
When is the best time to ask your Girlfriend to marry you?We been togeather a year and three months is that?

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too soon to ask her




  1. Think out everything. I have friends who've been engaged three months (and will have a 6 month engagement total), they are 20 and 21. Neither finished college or are in college. Neither have stable jobs (by that i mean, long-term, worthwhile, bring home the bacon jobs). He is supposedly going into the navy in the spring. They are young, have no clue what they are really getting into and dont have a stable income. So, think about your situation, are you ready to live with this woman, for the long term commitment. My friends have know each other just over 2 years.  So if you and her are ready, i say go for it.

  2. If you are asking this question, it is too soon.  There is no timeline that you have to follow. You get married when you both are ready.  Just make sure that you are 100% ready and you are not rushing into things.  Give yourselves enough time to actually get to know eachother.

  3. It might BE a little tooooo soon, you should wait at least like a little over a year and a half. Make it special, don't do it simple like every single guy out there who takes their lovers to dinner and then propose. Take her to Paris (maybe she's always wanted to go to the eiffel tower) and like propose to her up there.

    Or wherever she'd like to go.. find out what she likes and maybe you can create an idea :)

    good luck to you and your relationship!

  4. if your in love. REAL love cant live with out you love. id say go for it =] ive known people who got married in less time. <3Q

  5. no that's perfect.  if ur 15-23 yrs old then ur too young. lol good luck

  6. I don't think there is a 'right time' as far as how long you have to date. My husband proposed after 3 months. Granted we had been friends for over 15 years at the time, but we had only dated 3 months before his proposal. When it's right it is right.

    I know there is a lot of pressure to make it super extravagant when you propose, but really, there isn't any need as long as you do it in a way memorable to her. If for example she likes the outdoors, a boat in a lake may work. If she is into travel and you can afford it, take her somewhere. My husband proposed when we were cudding alone. It is not the setting that makes it important it is who is asking.

  7. Generally around the 1 year mark the "commitment bug" starts to bite so at 15 months that's not too soon.

  8. I don't think their is a specific time that's right to ask. For example, if you were 15 years old, even if you had been together 3 years I would advise you to wait longer!

    If you feel you know each other well enough and are both ready and mature enough for the committment then 15 months might be right for you- for many others it will take a longer than this.

  9. Do what you feel is right, not what some people online tell you to. My husband and I talked about getting engaged for two weeks before he finally popped the question. We were more like g/f & b/f instead of friends at that point, but we had been friends for about 2 years at that point.

  10. if your in love then its not to soon...

  11. it depends how close u are. if u are ready for the commitment, and if u think she's ready...good luck & best wishes

  12. If you two are in love and you feel like you could spend the rest of your life with that person, then go for it. Just make sure you are 100% certain. There is no time frame whatsoever. Some people get married 2 weeks after meeting and are together forever. I got engaged after a year and a half. So if your heart is telling you to do it, then do it! Hope this helps!

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