
When is the best time to concieve?

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i just want to know......




  1. I am stunned by the stupid answers some of the people here have given. Now, off to the real answer.

    It depends on your cycle. The average cycle length is 28 days, but most women don't have regular 28 day cycles. The average leutal phase length (the number of days after ovulation till you begin your period) is 14 days, but that is not true for mose women either.

    So here is what you can do.

    From the first day of your period, start taking your temperature with a basal body temperature. Make sure you take the temp right after you wake up, before you do anything including using the bathroom etc, and do it the same time every day. The temperature is low on the days preceeding the ovulation and will rise on the day after ovulation. The problem is this will only help you know your ovulation day in retrospect. But if you do it for many cycles, you will know your usual ovulation time and leutal phase length.

    Cervical Mucus CM also helps to predict ovulation. CM changes from dry to sticky to creamy to watery to egg white preceeding ovulation.

    You can also buy an OPK (ovulation prediction kit). Ovulation occurs 12-36 hours after it shows a positive.

    Have intercourse daily or every other day from a week before your ovulation day upto the actual day of ovulation. And then for one more day to be doubly sure. This will improve your chances a lot.

    Read the book Taking Charge of your Fertility for detailed information. Also, look up and and for more information on all this.

  2. if u have regular period it is almost the middle of ur cycle ...if u have 30 days it become 15th or for sure u must have s*x between 12th to 17th to be conceived,but exactly the fertile time don/t take for days it  just takes 12-24 hours in these days,good luck

  3. i week before your menstruate this will increase your chances

    good luck babys are the best thing in the world

    hey amy greene              shut up

  4. usually day 11-14 after the first day of your last period

  5. Depends on your cycle....

    It is usually around 14 days after the 1st day of your period...If your trying to conceive check your temp everyday for a month, the days when it is higher than usual..this is when you ovulate..

    You can also tell by your discharge, if its very slimy and see through, that indicates ovulation too...

    good luck x

  6. check these websites for some tips

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