
When is the best time to do a pregnancy test

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend have been trying from april for baby number 3

i went to the doctors today and he told me to do a preg test first but if i was pregnant i think id only be around 3-4 weeks pregnant is it to early to take a urine test he said it it comes back neg i've to go for a blood test




  1. Your first wee of the morning.

  2. i think that i am pregnant, i am not due for my period until august 9th and every test i have taken has been negative so far.

    i spoke to a nurse and she said that they very well could be false negatives and she told me to wait until after my period date and even if i got my period it didn't mean that i was not pregnant.

    if you test negative after your missed period she informed me that it all depends on the date that you conceived because you have to be pregnant for at least 10 days before your body has produced enough pregnancy hormones to be detected in a urine or a blood test.

    its all really confusing and stressful, at least for me. i have gotten so many home pregnancy tests that have been negative, and people have told me oh well then you probably aren't because when i was i found out 2 weeks along, but doctors have said its different for all women, some are more sensitive, others don't produce the hormones as fast and supposedly your weight can also contribute to how quickly you can find out.

    i have been told that i could take a blood test and find out a pretty decent response now, and we would be about the same time along, so i would say to go for a blood test over a urine test. if you have a planned parent hood clinic around its much cheaper to get it done there (around 30$) the ER and community clinics have quoted me around a few hundred to get it done there.

    best of luck to you, i hope its both our months. :)

  3. sperm can live inside the woman for 5 days trying to fertilize the egg. so you can try within those 5 days. if you have a lot of pregnancy test kits, you can start from day 1. but if you want to save on money, you can try on the 5th or 6th day instead. good luck to the both of you. God Bless! :)

  4. Get a good two pack home test such as clear blue and do test using your first urine of the day.

    Good luck

  5. First thing in the morning when the chemical levels are most concentrated.

  6. No, they are very sensitive now. A friend of mine got a positive result at 2 weeks.

  7. Do it first thing in the morning when the HCG is most detectable in your first urine. It may be too early for the test to pick up the hormone but if so the blood test will be able to confirm. Baby dust to you and me.

  8. A lot of people have a lot of different experiences with HPT's.  I was 5 weeks before I could get a positive, and there was only one brand that worked for me.  I'd say the BEST time is after a missed period (a day or maybe 2 or 3 after it's due) with your first urination of the day (HCG is stronger in your first urination of the day as your urine is more concentrated).  

    Good luck and tons of baby dust your way!

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