
When is the best time to join the military mainly speakin of the marines..?

by  |  earlier

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when is the best time to join when jobs are open and not filled for enlistee's...Is there even a time like that.i was told at this time of the year i couldn't even get infantry if i wanted..why..all answer's are thanked for!!!!




  1. Not sure why you were told that. The New fiscal year starts in October. This is when all the jobs open up. Sure there are people already waiting but I would assume that now is your best time to join.

    All you have to do in order to get the job you want is make it clear to the recruiter that you are not interested in spending 4 years of your life on a job you don't want. So you want to let them know that you will only join if you get your job. You can take your ASVAB test to determine which jobs you qualify for than say you do not want to go any further until you chose your job and are guaranteed to get it. (What they like to do is get your ASVAB test done so they can make sure you qualify to join and than immediately send you into MEPS were you officially sign up. Without letting you know your job options) This is what happen to me at least. Cause I didn't demand a certain job because I was unsure of what I wanted to do. (It worked out for me, however) So take the time to think about what job you want before going to MEPS and make sure you have an agreement with your recruiter and that your job is on the contract you sign at MEPS. (if you can do that, I am not sure)

  2. There is no good time to join the Marines.  Why would you want to be part of a branch that holds itself separate, above and apart from the other branches?  The military is about team-work, not about individual heroics.

    If you want to be a grunt, the Army is accepting infantry troops all the time.  Anytime is a good time to spend 4 months of infantry training at Fort Benning.  But I recommend October - March as a really good target...

    Thanks for serving.

    Edit:  All these people telling you that 'Infantry is hard to get in the USMC' ought to be a clue for you -- the USMC is, and always has been, a very tiny player in the overall Infantry scheme of things.  If you want Infantry, the Army will take you next week, the reality is the Army will train more Infantry in one month than the USMC will train all year.

  3. Depending on what MOS you are best suited for, the start dates for A-school will determine when you ship out for boot camp.  Some MOS's fill for the fiscal year... and might already be filled for next year!  If that's the case, you can enlist via the DEP, to reserve a slot in the following year's school!  (depends on what kind of schooling is required!)  

    The only way to figure all this out is to talk to a recruiter.  Just don't let them bully you in to enlisting with an open contract and shipping right out.  Take your time, make sure the paperwork you sign is squared away with what you want it to say, and set up the best Occupational Field for yourself that you can.  After all you'll spend the next several years of your life doing a job within that field... You'll be happier and you'll serve better if you choose wisely... not based on anything but your own skills, interests, and aptitudes, and how you might best serve the Marine Corps!

  4. October is the start of the new fiscal year and is when all MOS slots are "refreshed" for the new year. So if you want to join you have a better chance of getting your choice of MOS in October.

    *And Infantry is currently one of the hardest MOS's to get into because so many people want it*

  5. join young abt 19

  6. i always say that if you want to die join the army or the marines. check into SF

  7. i do not think that right now is the time to join but if you want to join mainly to fight the war i would join in the fall the weather is better then because most of your training is going to outside with a lot running.  i went through boot camp in the winter and it was not fun too cold but i guess with all the exercise you can manage to stay warm but it does not feel good waking in cold weather first thing in the morning good luck to ya  

  8. Recruiting is based on Fiscal Year slots.

    You have two ways of looking at this.  Someone that was suppose to ship quits or gets hurt or gets in trouble and was an 0311 and they have an emergency slot to fill... it could be you this month to make the YEAR mission on 30 Sept.

    Or, you wait until 1 October and hope they have that many slots available for the start of the year.

    If your thinking about infantry, you should be close to getting 17 to 20 pullups, a 3 mile run time of 18 to 21 minutes, be able hike with 40 to 80lbs on your back, be a natural leader, and crunches should come forever.

    Otherwise, there are plenty of jobs you could take on within the Marine Corps.  Like others have said, there are many MOSs.  However, it takes about 15 to 25 of them to support each Grunt on the ground!  The Grunt is nothing without Logistics, Communications, Intelligence, Food and Medical!

  9. Everybody wants to go infantry.  That's the preferred choice of the majority of people who want to join the Marines in case you didn't know.  But we can't all be infantry.  There are other MOS's that need to be filled that nobody wants to sign up for.  Like supply and cook and truck driver.  And hygiene equipment operator.

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