
When is the best time to plant Peach seeds?

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I have kept some seeds from some peaches that were just wonderful, and I would love to plant these and actually have some peach trees. What time of the year is best to plant them?




  1. Starting peach trees from seeds is not recommended because the seed will not exactly produce the same variety as the tree the pit came from. However, if you wish to try, they will either need to be stratified artificially or by Mother Nature. Place the seeds in moist paper towels in January and then in a zip-lock plastic bag and place in the refrigerator until April. At this time they will be ready to plant in a pot or in the ground. Or place the seeds in a pot of loose potting soil in early winter and allow Mother Nature to do the job for you.

    You will need to keep the pots watered during the winter months if it doesn't rain occassionally. The seeds should sprout naturally in the spring once the weather conditions become favoraable.

  2. The seeds will make a tree more than likely different than the peach you ate.  Peach trees are made by budding. "Taking a bud from a tree you like and getting it to grow on rootstock.

    You can plant the seed and see what you get.  Don't open the seed up.  Put the seed in moist but not soaking wet peat moss.  Keep it cool over the winter.  Your refrigerator will work.  Don't let it freeze or get dry though.  Then pant the seed in early spring in your yard.

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