
When is the best time to prune roses?

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When is the best time to prune roses?





  2. The only time I prune roses are early spring unless there is a problem.

    you won't want to do any heavy pruning now and miss the flowers.

    I get some of my best flowers in the early fall.

    If you have any dead wood or diseased leaves you will want to prune those.

    Right now all you should have to do is deadhead the roses if it is blooming. Just removing the flowers by cutting back to the first set of five leaves.

    When to Prune Roses

    Timing is determined by the class of the rose plant and the zone in which it is growing. Most rose pruning is done in the spring, with the blooming of the forsythia as a signal to get moving.

  3. They tend to get dormant when it's cold so I prune after the days start getting longer; early January. If you are in a cold climate do it after the last frost.

  4. Anytime.

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