
When is the best time to spay/neuter a Beagle?

by Guest64928  |  earlier

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When is the best time to spay/neuter a Beagle?




  1. My male beagle mix was neutered at 7 months and he'll be a year old next week and he's been great, no change and no problems.

  2. it is suggested after 6mths and before they start to spot (for the female), which usually occurs around 9 mths.

  3. Well I would tend to leave un-neutered or with a partial spay but then I would not have the dog spayed (have two intact b*****s and keep them away from males).  Neutering can cause health problems and incontinence in a spayed *****.

    In a male dog one should not neuter till the growth boned closed IF your are going to neuter.  Some opt to sterilize getting a vasectomy instead.

  4. 6 months old just like with any other dog.

  5. 6 months your vet will tell you that

  6. Typically, you want to spay the dog before they come into season for the first time but after they have completed most of their growth cycle. With this in mind, vets have traditionally recommended spaying around six months of age.  

  7. 6 months is the perfect time.

    not too young...and not quite at the hormonal stage.

    Thanks for spaying/neutering :D

    Good Luck.


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