
When is the best time to take Vitamin B Complex?

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E.g. before Dinner, after Breakfast etc.

Also, we are going to start taking it as we are going to Egypt in two months and is it ok to take B Complex with the following tablets.

1. Female on constant High Blood Pressure tablets

2. Male on daily penecillin

3. Male on constant Erythyomycin!

As you can see we go through alot of medication! Thanks alot!




  1. hello, i take vitamin B Complex aswell i take it after my breakfast, as the directions say to take preferably with a meal, if your like me by lunch time i would of forgotten i keep them in the bathroom next to toothbrush, i would check with your G.P first to make sure it is o.k  to take them just incase it does interfer with your medication, if he does say is o.k when taking them, your notice when you go to the toilet your urine will be bright yellow do not worry it is normal as vitamin B is water-soluble and it is not stored in the body and is losted through sweating and urination. Best one to get is a timed-released one then it will be released into the body through out the day, any that has been lost will be top up again. hope you found this useful.

  2. I take B-Complex in the morning after breakfast (sometimes before). I would ask your doctor about the meds you are taking and if they will pose any problems with taking vitamin B. Good luck and have fun on your trip!!

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