
When is the best time to take your vitamins? after eating breakfast or before you go to bed?

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When is the best time to take your vitamins? after eating breakfast or before you go to bed?




  1. Well, I take mine right after breakfast. There is no really specific time that you HAVE to take them. Whichever works best for you and keeps up ur metabolism and health!

  2. I take mine in the morning or at lunch.  If I take them before bed I can't sleep.

  3. It depends whether you take any other pills, prescription or not. You want to take your vitamins alone, as they will interfere with the action of other pills. You also want to take them with a meal, as they will absorb into your system better with food. Drink plenty of water as well, because any excess vitamins will be excreted in Urine, which can put extra strain on your kidneys.

    However, some foods can prevent vitamin absorption. Phytic Acid, found in Nuts, grains and seeds, tends to inhibit the absorption of most minerals as well as niacin, one of the B Vitamins. On the other hand, I have not found any info as to what extent this anti-nutrient effect happens (does it prevent 10, 50 or 100% of a nutrient from being absorbed? no one seems to know) so I have mostly quit worrying about it. What I did for a long time was to eat nuts, grains and seeds in the morning, and eat fruits, vegetables and meat in the evening. Nonfat dairy would be throughout the day.  

  4. My doctor asked me to take vitamins before I went to bed and I realized why he said so?

    I tried taking them in the morning and I felt it increased my appetite therefore he has suggested that I took them in the night after my meal that way I would go to sleep not get hungry and would not overeat.

    Give it a shot you will realize it yourself.

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