
When is the best time to travel to Brazil?

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Rio de Janeiro in particular.




  1. Alex,

    It dependes on what you are looking for and the places you wanna visit.

    If you wanna go to Rio, I agree that carnival can be nice (if you wanna see it). On summer Rio is very hot and a little bit wet, on winter and fall the temperatures are usually mild and no to so wet (you may get less rain).

  2. chk when is the carnival , specially if ur single

  3. -If you want to see the Carnival, Feb.  

    -If you want to visit beaches but no tourists and less croud March - April.  

    -If you're looking for more a historic sceenry .. may - july in the winter season

  4. Brazil is a very very interesting place to go to especially in the summer time (November to February). On that time in Sao Paulo for example all bars are open during all week. In Salvador begins the carnival time. It´s just amazing.

    If you want to see exotic places Natal and Recife are you choice.

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