
When is the best time to travel to Snowbird, UT?

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I'm looking to take a trip to Snowbird next year and am wondering the best time to go? I'm looking for nice powder days, but also enjoy warmer spring riding...any suggestions? Late Feb? Mid March...?





  1. Late Feb. to mic March seems about right.  I spent several seasons at Snowbird and still consider it my favorite.  I have also been there in May when we became snowed in one year.  We had just come back from a photo shoot in southern Utah that ended up in powder magizine.  I came up Little Cottonwood and stuck the car.  As I climbed out you could hear the Avalanches going off along the road.  Spooky.

    I doubt that you will get much spring stuff but you will definitely get some sunny days.  Snowbirds the best.

  2. I'm doing Alta/Snowbird at the end of the month so hopefully that'll be the best time lol

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