
When is the best time to try and conceive a baby?

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Like, right after your period or when?

Does it depend on the person?




  1. Definitely right after your period, when you are ovulating. That's your best chance! It doesn't depend on the person...haha...I think more on how many times you try!

    Good Luck!

  2. I always hear in the middle of your period

    I tried for years this way, I did not get pregnant

    I as my doctor, he told me to do this

    From the first day of your period, add ten days, then have s*x every other day five times

    This should cover most people time.  Some are earlier than the middle and some are later

    I got pregnant the first time

    I saw on here, someone doctor told s*x every other day for the day after your period stop

  3. When ovulation (egg is released) occurs...that is the only time a women can get pregnant.

    The typical women will ovulate 14-16 day PRIOR to next expected period...however because every women is different this may not be the case for you. I would recommend buying OPK's (ovulation predictor kit) and (depending on how long your normal cycle is) start testing on day 10. There are also signs of ovulation you may notice (don't' worry if you don't' have them, again every women is different) Egg White Cervical Mucus, slight cramp on on side of your lower abdomen, Pink discharge (usually occurs once egg is released).

    Good Luck!!  

  4. It depends on how long your cycle is.  For the best chance, start trying right when your period ends and continue to have s*x every other day for the rest of your cycle.  Good luck!

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