
When is the best time to visit Cancun? What time of year? Months?

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When is the best time to visit Cancun? What time of year? Months?




  1. In January February sometimes we have frente frio ,  (cold front) and it is cloudy and very very windy, cold wind.  After that it is beautiful clear blue sky and warm.

    March, April, May and June is perfect.  No rain at all.  Maybe once but the rainy season starts in July to the end of October.  November is very nice but sometimes we have late hurricanes.  December is beautiful.  

    You know, the weather of the world is changing so it is better to check the weather report before traveling but the information I gave you is what we have in Cancun (average).

    Best luck.

  2. Now is, not too crownded, and is cheaper airfare and hotel cost.  Also not that hot compare to summer.

  3. I believe the hurricane season is July - October.  I went to Cancun in May (which is the rainy season, but it only rained for half a day) and it was gorgeous!  It was hot but not too hot.  My parents went in late February and they also had great weather for most days, but a crazy rain/wind storm came through for 2 days.  They also went once in March and it was gorgeous the whole week.  My sister went in December and it was gorgeous the whole week.  So, I guess I would just try to avoid the hurrican season months.

  4. hurricane season is the most exiting time espetially after a hurricane warning

    noones there to spiol the atmosphere


  5. I've been to Cancun several times, I think the best time's are from March-May, April gets a little wild because of the spring breakers. Also June & July but it starts to get very warm, but that's what the beaches and pools are for. Enjoy you'll have a great time..

  6. Winter because of the weather and like november i think because in december in more expensive but it's not too expensive, but if you need to save money in december and in july-september is more expensive.  =)

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