
When is the best time to visit Washington?

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Next summer, my parents want to drive the coast line in Oregon and Washington. They were wondering if any one can tell them when the dry seson is? The last time they went it rained the whole time. Any suggestions will help.




  1. Your best bet is July.  Usually, I would also recommend August, but this year, August has been pretty rainy... in fact, it's thunderstorming right now!

    The coast is really lovely most of the year though.  The only thing you might run into in the summer is fog.

  2. suuuuuuuuuuuuumer

  3. From July 5th to September 30.

    Remember, that in Seattle we call the rainy day that follows 5 sunny days, "Saturday."

  4. I went to Oregon in Sept and it was way too hot.  Visited Seattle in January and weather was perfect.  It only rained 1 day out of the 6 I was there.  I was very lucky, because that's not usually the norm.  I'd say pretty much any time of the year is good to visit both places.  From what I hear, most people say spring is best.

  5. The best time to drive the coast of Oregon and Washington is the first week of August. You can usually always count on the weather to be sunny. The temperature usually ranges from 75-90 degrees at this time! I know this year it was very nice in that week, mid 90's! I hope this helps!  

  6. Washington's dry season is never.  It loves to rain quite a bit.

    But, your best luck would be trying July or August.  Go to  Google and find the National Weather Bureau and when you get to the website indicate for example, Seattle.  It will tell you the average rainfall for each of the months.

  7. Summer is your best bet. In the other seasons its more likely to rain on your trip.

  8. middle-end of summer

    but it always has a possibility of raining and being wet...but it's the driest time

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