
When is the best time to water your lawn,my wife's saids in the afternoon,i say in the morning,or at night?

by Guest58969  |  earlier

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now who's right? my neihbors water in the afternoon during summer watering in the afternnoon will burn the grass.




  1. I live in Southern California where the sun rises around 6 and the full heat is on right around 7.  (Lately that means 95 degrees).  I have found a great pattern in watering daily (good soaking cuz of the day's heat) at 5:45 P.M.  This is right around the time when the air is cool and the sun is less abusive.  My plants have all been producing great veggies so I don't think there is a problem there.  

    I guess it would depend a lot on where you live.  Whatever you decide, just be consistent.  Don't water in the morning one day then the evening in the next.  If you water in the morning, then stay that way.

    Good luck!

  2. This really depends on where you live.  If you live in a wetter area you need to water when the grass will take it up and it has a better chance of drying up.  If you don't you will risk developing a myrid of issues like fungas, mold and other such things.  If you live in a dryer area you need to water when it is cooler and the sun isn't over head.  If you don't you will lose a great deal of water to evaporation.  There is also a risk of increasing the chance you will burn some more sensative plants.  I think your best bet is to get a hold of a local extension office or nursary and ask their advice.  They should understand your area as well as your plants!

  3. I,ve always heard that early am is best to water,grass/flowers etc. One has to water grass deep, I too think afternoon is not good for the grass/soil as it doesn,t soak in as much due to heat of sun on the soil.

  4. Best time is before 10 AM. When watering during the heat of the day a lot of the water is lost to evaporation causing waste. Watering at night is also OK but in some climates can lead to mildew with some types of grass.

  5. God waters them both times and you can take that to the bank.

    Drawbacks:  Daytime watering = rapid loss of moisture to heat and sun.  Nighttime watering = increased chance of fungus growth.

    I water very early in the morning, around 4:00 am, so the soil has a chance to soak up the moisture before the sun comes up, but doesn't allow the surface to stay wet during the cool of the night, which promotes fungus in the grass.

    I really don't believe you will "burn" the grass by afternoon watering, otherwise we would have seen evidence of this after thunderstorms, which typically take place in the mild to late afternoons.

    Anyway, that's been my experience, solution, and observations over the past 65 years.

  6. in my area of Florida with water restrictions, the only allowed time is from 4am to 8am.  this allows deep penetration, minimal evaporation, yet allows the yard to dry out to avoid disease.  that's the official position, based on State Govt/FSU etc research....

  7. The best time to water your lawn is in the morning, followed closely by midday.  As long as you give your lawn a good soaking, it is totally safe to water during the afternoon hours. As some of the water evaporates it cools the ground and lawn. If you only give it a light spritzing it will not have the cooling effect and the water could actually magnify the sunlight and burn the lawn. The worst time to water is in the late evening or at night. The lawn can not utilize the water at that point, and it will just lay there and become the perfect platform for fungal diseases to spread. The amounts of water are just as important as the timing of the watering. You should water your lawn deeply each time, but allowing for a day or 2 in between for it to dry slightly. If you water every day, the lawn will not need to push root growth since the water will always be there available for it.  By letting it go dry for a day or 2, the grass plants will push out more roots in search of water. the more roots the stronger the plant, the stronger the plant the better it will be able to fend off diseases and drought stress if it ever does occur .

  8. Water in the morning or early evening. Your grass won't burn if you water in the afternoon but you'll be wasting water due to evaporation. Don't water at night because your grass doesn't take up water after the sun goes down increasing the chance of fungus and other diseases.


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