
When is the dedication of the G.W.Bush sewege treatment plant in claifornia?

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I wish to make a donation to the inventory of this well deserved tribute to our 43rd president




  1. Maybe I should call my congressman and pressure him to end all aid to california.  

  2. and he's doing what the sewage plant does which is turning the sewage more clean. in iraq we had sewage the first 4 years of going in and now we are cleaning it up with the surge. and it worked.

  3. Why give sewage plants a bad name?  They at least serve some functional purpose.

  4. Haha....It starts with as soon as you flow on into to be treated and cleaned.  

  5. What?

    Is Claifornia one of Obamas 57 states

  6. Dont know.Donate to Obummers campaign,he will need your money for his bus trip home in November!!!!

  7. I'm seconding the notion to end aide to CA. I'm a Nevadan, so I know first hand how pathetic CA government is. Poor Arnold, walked into a mess....

  8. since Jerome Corsi's book is full of c**p, they will probably use it to dedicate the plant with.

  9. I had heard about this months ago, apparently  it took you a some time to catch up on this one.

    I utterly disapprove of this project, sewage plants ( though smelly ) will eventually benefit the people of the US in the long run.

    It is a load of **** worth staying the course with,cleaning it up.

    So it runs against everything the junior Bush has done for his country, which is landing them straight in the middle of a big pile.( economically - militarily -  morally ).

    So I propose a monument to be erected  near mount Rushmore

    where there is a dire need for sanitary facilities for visitors paying

    homage to some truly  great American Presidents.

    The GWB public Urinal to be erected there will give citizens of the proud US of A decades of opportunity to show their appreciation of the current potus in a fitting and appropriate fashion.

  10. I just name my pet rats Obama and his supporters.  Will you donate some money???

  11. If its on the ballot the measure will be voted on in November. Hopefully it passes. However; "Friends of George Bush", might prevent the action from going forward. The irony is hilarious!

  12. just a soon as d**k cheney drops his last load.

  13. The dedication will be just as soon as the last t**d is flushed from California.

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