
When is the earliest you can tell if your pregnant?

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everything says you can tell upto 5 days before your missed period but i had s*x only 3 days before my missed period i took a test a week later it was negative but it still hasnt come does this meen i have to wait until 5 days before my NEXT period should come? is it possible for them to be negative when i actually am pregnant?




  1. A blood test will show if you are pregnant or not 7 days following conception.

    A pregnancy test can be taken 19 days after the day you think you became pregnant.

  2. Well this is crazy,but before i found out I was Pregnant I was so convinced I was I kept getting negative,but I was sure that I was It was like an instinct thing I dont know,but then like 3 more weeks later it came up positive that right there made me feel like a mom,because I knew my baby was there even when the test said it wasn't:)....Anyway I say wait like another week or 2 then try again or go to the Doctor they can tell you quicker!!

    Good Luck!!

  3. If you're too anxious about being pregnant, you can affect your body and perhaps make it miss a period! Relax, and retest in a week. If your period doesn't come after a couple of weeks, go see a doctor to get a blood test. The blood test is a lot more sensitive than a home pregnancy test and can detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG, a lot earlier and better.

  4. Your earliest indication is usually your missing of the next scheduled period.

  5. 3 days doesnt even give time for implantation to occur, so you will still probably get your period this month. Just keep trying during this month and maybe you will get that hopeful BFP!

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