
When is the earlyest you can test for a pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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My sister in-law started her cycle on the 9th of July and finished on the 13th and has been having unprotective s*x since then when is the earlyest she can take a home test and have a chance of it reading correct?




  1. to be sure of a reliable result, i wouldn't test before the day her period is due. i know its easy to get tempted into the early tests, but they are relying on picking up the most minute amount of hormones. so realistically you are more likely to have a false negative because the hormone level hasn't risen enough. i know its hard,but be patient and you'll get a more reliable result.

  2. the best time to test is when your next period is due


  3. she  should be be able to they say earliest 7dpo however i would say wait till she is late otherwise sometimes the levels of hcg dont show up yet. if she misses or is late with her period and gets a neg hpt then i would test again in 3days... a friend of mine got a neg. and then a week later a positive. good luck

  4. I find that 'first response" is the best and you can test about 7 days before your expected period. It never "hurts" to test early it can just be a waste of money as the hcg levels, which is what is picked up in a preg test, dont begin to appear until after implantation which is about 7-10 days after implantation.  So you can only test too early if you are prepared to be wasting the tests, but ive heard of people gerring positives 7 days after conception..

  5. 5 days before her peroiod she can take a home test like first response.

  6. She has the best chance if she waits until her missed period to take a test.  She should also use her first urine of the day to test since the hormone levels will be more concentrated then.  

    Good luck!

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