
When is the fbise hssc result will announced?

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  1. pachas saal baad

  2. 04-10 august

  3. 10 august

  4. DNT KNOw.

  5. may be after one year

  6. the result of hssc will announced on 3rd aug and hssc result will be announced on 7th or 10th aug
    ahsan shah cnfrim it from fbise result incharge by himself

  7. the result of hssc will announced on 3rd aug and hssc result will be announced on 7th or 10th aug
    ahsan shah cnfrim it from fbise result incharge by himself

  8. on 8 august or 16th

  9. Ammmm... under 10 of Aug...

  10. On 29 and 07

  11. when will the result of hssc-1 be announced?

  12. date of hssc II result

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