
When is the good time to say “I love you”? And how can I tell if he feels the same?

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I have met someone who is possibly the perfect guy. I have been seeing him for about 2 months. He is very sweet and caring. I have never been the first one to say “I love you”, so I am a bit afraid of those words. I know I do love him, but just not sure how to tell if he is ready to have those words come from my mouth. What do you think should I do?




  1. The best time to say it to him is when it “just feels right”. Two months might be a little quick, and if you think he might not be ready, then you should wait. You don’t want to scare him. The best thing to do is forget about it for a little while and stop thinking about saying it. Then, when you do say those words they will be more natural, and they won’t sound forced. Also, don’t worry if he doesn’t say them back right away. He might not be ready when you are, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  2. I think it would be better if he would be the one to say it first. I think it's more embarrassing if a girl says "I love you" but the guy doesn't feel the same. It would make you look a bit desperate and easy. Give more time for you, guys, to get to know more about each other. I think it's still a bit early to confess your feelings.

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