
When is the government going to stop blaming john howard and take some responsibility?

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Safre, Women's 'feminine' products are not essential. GST taxes everything that isn't essential, that includes luxuries and indulgences like skin oils and face cream. What is meant by essential is things like prescription drugs and kidney dialysis machines.




  1. Well - to be honest I have to agree with the first answer.... we are still pretty much running under the liberal government at the moment... but it is about the right time that the Labour can take over now.  I think the second answer just confirms my thoughts as to why I don't support Kevin Rudd... everyone who supports him seems to have very uninformed 'emotional' reactions to the politics... there is no basis to their argument and they don't really know what they are talking about.  (I mean if you want to talk about something stupid - what about 'fuel watch'?  I mean really.... what is that going to achieve will you tell me?)

    To answer your question, I don't know!  But it is annoying me too... politicians spend too much time blaming each other and not enough time DOING something to fix the situations.  Politics.... what can you do?

  2. Up until the government's own budget takes affect in july we are still running under Jackboot Johns old system so after the first of july they can blame that evil little DICTATOR all they like.

  3. John Howard refused to say "Sorry".

    John Howard sent our troops into the Middle East debacle on the say so of the U.S. (even though the Australian led search had said there was no basis for "weapons of mass destruction").

    John Howard introduced GST.  (So woman now pay tax on feminine hygiene products because Johnny-boy didn't consider them "essential".  May his chickens turn into Emus and kick his dunny door down.)

    John Howard introduced parity... so we now pay GST on the petrol excise (which is taxing a tax in anyone's books).

    So I say "good riddance" to the Shrub (he was just a little Bush!).  LOL

    Long live St Kevin.

    May his ship ever sail true.

  4. When it's no longer Johnny's fault, as explained in the answers above.

  5. Both parties have been playing the blame game. Which is odd as the Johnny Bush Sucker camp is having a go at themselves. Go figure. But then this was a government that involved Australia in the illegal invasion of a country under false pretenses so the US could redeem itself financially with the oil that said invaded nation possessed.

    Honestly I do not think that the Labor government is ideal but at least Kev isn't in bed with a Nut Bush.

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