
When is the last time Obama had a 90% approval rating?

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The Most Popular Governor

Alaska's Sarah Palin is the GOP's newest star.

by Fred Barnes

07/16/2007, Volume 012, Issue 41




  1. The last time McCain had one.


    2 pts.


  2. Its not a fair comparison. First, Obama has a higher approval rating in his state than McCain has in Arizona.

    Second, she's a governor. Politics on a state level are a lot less partisan than on the national level. This is true for McCain just as much as it is Obama. People are much, much more willing to vote for a governor of the opposite party they vote for in national elections. This is why there are so many democratic governors in the south, and yet the same states are never carried by democratic presidential candidates. If she served a federal office in the lower 48 I promise it wouldn't be that high.

  3. About the same time Sarah Palin had a talk about abstinence.  

  4. yep. it must be so difficult to keep the alaskans happy.

    "what's that? you are still cold? well what if i get some federal funding for blankets?  ok good. in the meantime, just go ahead and kill the baby seals and burn their blubber for warmth."

    that's how i picture her gubernatorial duties.

  5. Obama gets higher favorable ratings and lower unfavorable ratings than McCain.

  6. When was the last time McCain was over 42? Aint today

  7. The Senates approval rating is what a 6% and that reflects on him, since he is a Senator- all 143 days of his total experience.   And even after the DNC when he should have been in the lead by teens or twenty something percent he only got a 8%- that is less then Kerry and Gore and look at how that helped them, they lost.   Be prepared when liberals don't get their way they attack, and it should get really messy here in the next two months. Unfortunately, they don't realized that people see through them as they do now with his approval ratings.  The liberal media can't make up anymore then they are already doing........  

  8. She had only been in office a matter of MONTHS. Her rating isn't anywhere near that it?

  9. The noble and honorable Barack has 100% approval with Allah as he reads the holy Quran since birth.  Noble Barack will always follow the true path and bring light to those in need.

  10. He hasn't had an office where such things are measured.

  11. Next to the last time he went to church to listen to Rev Wright

  12. When he stood up in front of an all black crowd at church and said "we are going to take down whitey".

  13. That's not a fair question, because Obama doesn't have ANY executive experience whatsoever.  

  14. let the dems stick that in their bongs

    and smoke it

  15. At the last Obama family cook out?

  16. i think he would have a 90% approval rating in his district of Chicago.

  17. Obama is NOT a governor

    Why are you comparing a possible president to a possible vice-president?

    Compare the top of the tickets and the bottom of the tickets

  18. what is 90% of the most sparsley populated state in America

    25000 ?


  19. Considering that Alaska is mostly men surrounded by snow barren wastlands, can't say I'm suprised she's popular. Have you seen her?

  20. During the convention. Obama had an 80% approval rating.  Now it's about 95%.

    McSame had 53% approval rating before the covention.  Now it's down to 47%.

    Obama '08.

  21. It depends on how the questions are worded and who you are asking!

  22. Incidentally, how many people are included in that rating?

    I can bet Obama has more supporters than that......

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