
When is the last time you spoke out, other than to gripe to friends, on a issue that you disagree with?

by  |  earlier

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Or even went to a city counsel meeting?

school board meeting?

How many have even BEEN to a city counsel meeting or school board meeting?




  1. I have never missed a school board meeting and never made a city council meeting. They would not listen at the latter and the former know I pay enough property taxes that they darn well better.  Land poor and living outside the city limits means the city council does not give a flip about me. The school board listens because a lawsuit by me could ty up funds for a decade. They don't like what I say but they listen and sometimes take my advice even when they do not really like it.

    I also send a hand written letter to my senator and one to my representative at least once a month. Neither one of them turn a deaf ear even when they do not agree. The representative often calls me back to discuss my ideas.

  2. I ran for political office twice in the past 25 years. I also developed a mass transit plan for my area, using my own funds, which became the model for the current system we have now. I also learned to spell "council" correctly.

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