
When is the last time you went to the drive-in movies and what is you favorite drive-in memory?

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When is the last time you went to the drive-in movies and what is you favorite drive-in memory?




  1. I've only been one time that I recall. I was 12 (29 now) and I seem to remember it was  double feature: Navy Seals & Arachnophobia.

    My favorite memory is really just the whole experience of the drive-in itself. You get to stay up late, be outside, walk down the rows to get snacks. I remember my parents let me lay on the roof of the car with a blanket. Towards the end of the night dew would start to form. It is just a good time.

  2. Saw Pearl Harbor


    My daughter and I went to see Jurassic Park and THE Flintstones.

    Next vehicle was a minivan having a birthday party for a child (my daughter was a child then too).The mom started serving ice cream and cake,She invited my daughter and I to have some too,and we did joined in.We thanked them after them being so nice to us.

    I was a loner sometimes,and went to a whole lot of drive-ins to see the movies.

    I would love to go when they were having 4 or 5 movies Friday or Saturday.I would  get a free doughnut and drink right before the last movie started.

    Necking at the drive-ins.

    I was with three other high school buddies of mine to see the Elvis movie"The Troubles with Girls" in the (?)summer.

    When I started laughing,One of them said

    'there the goes,let's roll the windows up!"which they did causing me to howl with laughter even more wondering what the rest of the theater crowd was wondering what was going on in our car.

    Same movie had fireworks going on shining on the trees,etc. around the theate,and it was pretty.

    Going to the movies in my mom's convertible.

    trying to eat popcorn by throwing the popcorn up and catching it with my mouth.When I first started,I was wondering why inwas snowing only around my feet in the summerI then realized it was just the popcorn that I had missed.I got a whole lot better at this as time went by.

    Cars blowing theirs horns whenever something happened like a film breaking or out of focus.Sometime they honked just for fun before and after the movie.

    Warming up the car when it was cold outside.

    Trying to watch the movie during fog,rain,or snow.

    Trying to get my parents to let me go to a movie when their was heavy snow .I did not get to go  that time but I remember other times when there was snow.

    These are some of my memories

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