
When is the most likely time 2 get pregnant?

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my cycle is usually 36days my so what day can i get pregnant?




  1. Usually around the 14th day of your cycle.

  2. If you have longer cycles (than the 28 day average) you are more likely to ovulate later than the day 14 average.

    To be sure you would have to "chart" which means taking your temperature every morning at the same time and charting it to see a pattern.  

    Sign up for they will do all the hard work for you and will work out your ovulation day if you input the necessay data.  Buy a bbt (basal body temperature) thermometer from boots for about £10.  After putting in data for a couple of cycles you will start to see a pattern and on what day of the month you usually ovulate and therefore the most likely time you will get pregnant!

    This forum is also good for tips and support with trying to conceive.  The girls on there can help with any questions and most are experts in ttc and charting

    It worked for me and my 2nd son is 4 months old.  Good luck

  3. There is no "One Day" when you will get pregnant. When you ovulate (usually 12-16 days after your period started) is when you are the most fertile. The egg will last for about a day and s***n can live inside you for up to 5 days. SO anywhere from the end of the first week to the beginning of the 3rd week is when you are the most fertile. However, I would not suggest using this as a method of birth control, because it is not always consistent.

  4. its usually 2 weeks after your period, but on a 5 week cycle I'd go with 2 weeks before your period is due.

  5. Your most fertile window is 5 days before ovulation until 1–2 days after ovulation. In an average 28 day cycle with a 14-day luteal phase, this corresponds to the second and the beginning of the third week of the cycle.

    If a woman wants to conceive, the most fertile time occurs between 19 and 10 days prior to the expected Period.

  6. there's a website called that has a calculator to help you figure it out to the day based on your own period.

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