
When is the next Palin speech? Obama must be...........?

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....very happy!

The Dems need more money!

Lots and lots more!




  1. lol...agreed...or shall you say, the next Palin show, i would hardly call that mumbo jumbo a speech.  

  2. Now come on, get real. She can't come out again for a speech til she goes to lots of schooling. Can you imagine her when Biden gets hold of her in the debate. She knows nothing about anything to do with being vice president. After all, until this last week, she didn't even know what the job entailed.

    After all, she told them they didn't need a bridge, and if they did, they would build it. BUT -----  (now listen carefully all you Palin supporters because SHE is cutting out all the excess overspending, remember?) did she send the money back? NOPE, she kept it. She only decided they didn't need the bridge, not the money.  Very frugal, huh? So instead of building a bridge, she built a road on an island (which doesn't have a bridge connecting it to the mainland) because if they didn't spend THAT money on a road on the island (which was suppose to connect the airport to the bridge) they would have to send the money back, and she couldn't do that now could she?

  3. Righty-O.

    C'mon Sarah.  Keep filling Barack's coffers.

    Thanks John McCain.

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