
When is the next twilight trailer for the movie being released? ?

by  |  earlier

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Like today is august 19th and they haven't released any new scense since july. Just wondering when the next one could be?





  1. In an e-mail that I and many Twilighters across the received last week the following was posted:

    "We look forward to keeping you updated on all Twilight-related happenings… including the upcoming release of the full theatrical trailer!"

    Visit for news & right now you can read their post on the upcoming trailer.

    To get yourself on the e-mail list go to

    Happy Twilighting!! (11.21.08!)        : )

  2. that vidio is from the july first it is a joke there is no movie

  3. Okay vud you're a big joke because there is a twilight movie coming out on november twenty-first. Duh! What rock have you been hiding under? Its all over the place!

    Not sure when the next trailer will be posted, i heard rumors of another convention. maybe then?


  4. Well I haven't seen a new trailor (and I've been obsessively looking lol).

    But I know that Twilight was a part of the Movie-Con in London either this week or last... so I was hoping we'd get some more sneak peaks... I would be watching Twilightlexicon cause they are really good about being ontop of things, also watch YOUTUBE they have a lot of video's on the Movie and behind the scene stuff. Are you watching MTV News? They have Twilight Tuesday, and every Tuesday they have a new video or news about the movie.

    Check it out!

    Good Luck!

  5. i know i look everyday, just keep checking mtv news and they are both very up to date

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