
When is the normal age for a girl to start masterbating?

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When is the normal age for a girl to start masterbating?




  1. went she knows it fell great about  

  2. the devil makes work for idle hands. masturbation is a sin, and s*x should only be performed in wedlock for the purposes of children

  3. I don't know.

    I did it for curiosity when I was like, 7.

    Didn't do it for pleasure until 12.

  4. about grade 8 i think. just do what feels right. explore your body. It might hurt the first time though cause the hole is being stretched. Have fun tonight ;).

  5. hun there is no normal age but if it helps all my friends started to around 12 or 13

  6. i don]t know the normal age, but i started at about....7 years old or even earlier....  

  7. Never.  

  8. Roughly About 11 Or 12...

  9. i started around 7 or 8 there is no normal age it is what feel right for you

  10. I learned in Human Sexuality that kids start to explore their body parts around the age of  3 or 4.

  11. Whenever they feel comfortable about doing it. They is no spacific age to start. Some people start about 10, other start about 15 and others don't start at all. It's your own personal preferance.....

    remember....its your do what feels comfortable.  

  12. i am a 14 year old boy.i dont have any answers for you but i am in the 8th grade and the girls are pretty you think they m********e?

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