
When is the right time/age to have a baby?

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I am 22 years old and am feeling very maternal. Thing is, what is best? have a baby then establish a career after or at least pick up where you left off or wait until you have a career but then have to take time off during th peak of your career and face possibly having to move down the career ladder??




  1. when you are emotionally, finacially, phiscally, and mentally ready.

  2. finish ur career, pick off where u left off. then have a baby

  3. Theres never going to be a right or wrong time really, when it happens it happens (just make sure you have a child with someone who loves you and will support you).  with work, I mean you could wait to have a baby once you establish your career but what if that never happens?  If you do have a baby while your in the peak of your career you just go on maternity leave for up to 12months then go back to work where you left off - they cant demote you simply cos you had a baby (as i'm sure that'd be illegal).

  4. When you don't have to ask if it is the right time anymore ...

  5. You won't move down the career ladder if you have a baby. However, you should think about when the best time in the year is to have a child. Talk to your boss about your job and when they think it'd be best for you to take the time off, taking maternity leave (and your boyfriend should also find out about his paternity leave). I'd also recommend you plan around inflation. You used the UK pound sign when talking about your income so I can guess you live in the UK. I've seen plenty of young couples have a child and leave the hospital in which I work feeling on top of the world, and then come back for check-ups not long after total wrecks, and VERY short on cash.

    I'd suggest if you're thinking on getting pregnant very soon, you work overtime (both you and your boyfriend) at your jobs, and scrimp and save every penny you have in order to keep yourselves going. Your income may seem good now but inflation has caused prices to sky-rocket, so you may end up struggling to afford essentials for your child.

    Personally, I think age-wise you're a bit too young. I've deliberatley left having a child with my partner until I'm around 30, as your 20's are a time for establishing your career, and enjoying your youth. As mean as I sound, a baby is going to drag you down for a very long time.

  6. When one is a mature and responsible adult, has a loving and supportive spouse, and ready to take on anything that is thrown at them.  

    Good luck to you!

  7. when you have a loving partner and some cash in the bank, when ur emotionally and mentally ready.. then its up to you. when you feel the time is right

  8. in all fairness, i dont think anyone can answer this question but urself. its a case of when you and ur partner ideally feel ready

  9. I'm 23 and just had my first. I don't think that it was too early but I may have waited longer if I didn't end up getting pregnant. I'm about to finish college in the winter and then will start working. I think it will work perfect for us because by the time I have to leave him to start a career he will be 9 months old and more independent.  

    It really depends on what is going on in your life and what you want to do with it. But if nothing is going to hold you back in the long run then go for it! Children are a blessing!

  10. As for the best age for having a baby, I think mid to late 20s.  At this time, you still have the energy for it and by the time you have things settled (career, etc.) in your late 30s/early40s, the children are older and you will need to do less for them than if they were still in nappies.

    As for the career question, I think you need decide which is more important to you - children and family or career? I only say this as you can still have a career but it may not be as lusterous as you'd like because (and don't believe any hype about the woman who has it all) children require a certain amount of self-sacrifice on yours and your partner's part.  I'm a teacher and a mother and I've had plenty of experience with women who do put their career and money infront of their children's needs.

    Which ever you choose, give your heart to.  Children are such a precious gift and, just like the most delicate flower, need lots of love and attention to flourish properly.

    Good luck!

  11. the best time is when you are happily married with steady income and have enough time for a baby... just because you want a baby does not mean it is a good time... you must have a life established for your baby to come into... hope i helped

  12. hi there i had my first just beofre my 2rd birthday and personally i feel it was  a good time for us, i was young and could get on with things easier than when i am older i really notice the differnece being pregnant now i am older.. it tires your body more..

    you`ve got to decide whats right for you as having a baby is not to be taken lightly, you have to care for that baby for years to come....

    if the time is right for you then i`d say yes if you think you are ready for it..

  13. the right time is when u feel yourself inside its time no one can say when u done this or after u acheived tht its u u will no when its time

  14. Whenever your ready...

    Let things go, how they go.

    Life always works it out.

  15. You seem stable enough to raise a child.

    Hmm..I would wait until maybe about a year after I was married so I could get used to married life and until I had a steady job. I would have my first child at about 24 I think.

    =] xx

  16. If you have enought money and you and your partner/bf are in a string relationship wioth each other, then thats good, But i would concentrate on your career and live a little more first, I would 25 is an ok to have a child, you will have had time to live and get a career, But its whenever you feel isd the right time realy, All my best to you

  17. You won't move down the career ladder if you get pregnant. When you get pregnant, your job will stay the same in most cases, but if you can't do certain things your employer has to give you other duties and pay you the same amount. After you have the baby you will go back to work doing what you originally did, or stay at home with the baby, whichever you happen to want.

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