
When is the right time to eat yogurt in order to lose weight?

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When is the right time to eat yogurt in order to lose weight?




  1. What exactly is "right", I think its ok to eat yogurt at any time....

  2. Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.

    There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there's also the Jojo-effect.

    The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.

    Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That's an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn't that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

    Keep on doing your thing.

    Take care,


  3. you can eat yoghurt anytime. If your weight concience just eat low in fat yoghurt, I think its a great thing to fill the stomach up and take away hunger pains. When I broke my jaw, yoghurt and soup was all I could eat, I lost so much weight, it was sickly.

  4. Eat something like a yogurt between your meals assuming your eating three meals a day.  You should try to eat every 2-3 hours about 5-6 times per day to start, so the yogurt would be a good thing to eat at that time.

  5. I don't think that there is a right time. You can eat it anytime I guess!

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