
When is the summer over in the UK?

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Im bored of it now, want some cold weather now and dark nights.




  1. It was over before it even started,This is one of the worse Summers I can remember, Rain, Rain and more Rain.

  2. When did it begin? I must have blinked and missed it!

  3. UK barely has good days...The sun would show up for a bit but then disappear. I love, love the country but the weather there, not so much...

  4. The way its been lately, i think it stopped in July. The weather has been terrible. But I like rain so, I wasn't that bothered.

  5. The summer officially ends in 22nd September or 23rd when the days and the nights are equal. from then on the days go smaller and colder.

    But you could feel cold breeze at any time.

    Though it is more likely to be colder when the day is smaller.

  6. Check out the sun.

  7. over, it never even started!!

  8. The weather has been c**p here in Ireland. I think summer forgot to come and now winter is only around the corner.  

  9. Did the summer even start? It seems to have rained most of the time... typically Irish summer here.. and I'd same it was some what the same in the UK..

  10. Summer finished a few weeks ago.

  11. i think summer was over in early june, going by the state of the weather! huff

  12. September is really the end of the summer season in Britain.  October is the start of autumn.  it always rains in scotland i know that but the rest of the uk i don't know.  anyway around october time you should get those cold crisp days.

  13. technically now, but not judging by the weather

  14. me too

    i live in england and like autumn and winter days better

    cold,crisp and dark


    autumn starts officially on 22nd september

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