
When is the sun shining its brightest in the sky?

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I live in the Eastern Zone of USA. I'm having a 14th birthday party of August 30th at the beach, and it's supposed to be around 75 to 80 degrees that day. I was wondering when the best time to go is because I don't want it to be too chilly there.

So when is the sun highest in the sky and shining the brightest?




  1. That will be at local Noon, which will vary depending on exactly where you're located. Roughly 1 p.m. because of Daylight Saving Time.

  2. Any time between 10 AM and 2 PM will give you just about

    maximum sun, (insolation).

    The air is likely to be warmer later unless you've got a sea breeze.

    Make sure everybody's got sunscreen.

    Have a happy.

  3. The sun is highest near afternoon time. So about 12 pm - 2 pm (approx)

  4. midday hottest part of the day

  5. The warmest times are generally 50-60% of the way through the "sun up" period of the day.

  6. Happy birthday!!!

    I hope you will not be disappointed with my answer, but to give more accurate information on the Sun we would need to know your 'latitude'  or distance from the equator.  Saying you are on Eastern Time Zone just give us your 'longitude'.  

    That said, how cold it is will be more effected by the weather on your birthday than the position of the Sun.  It could be raining, just cloudy, sunny, windy, humid.... all of those will have a huge effect on the way the weather your body "feels".

    Here is what I would suggest.  Go to Yahoo Weather at "".  Enter in your zip code to get your local weather.  Then click "Records & Averages".  You will see some charts and graphs that will help you predict the weather conditions based on history.

    But let's get down to the facts and answer your question:  On August 30, 2008 the Sun will be at it's highest point right around 12:30PM local time on the East Coast.  On course, that times varies some based on your location, but it is a good estimate.  Also, there will be no visible moon that night in case you were wondering.

    Have fun! I hope my answer was okay.


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