
When is the the best (cheapest) time of year to fly to europe?

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When is the the best (cheapest) time of year to fly to europe?




  1. November, usually.

  2. It depends what month you can handle, that is weather wise. For air fares, there's always good deals if you have the patients to look for them on-line. I saved $600 by just switching airlines, same month/days.

  3. I have been to Europe many times and lived in Italy for 13 yrs and the best time to go is between 2/1-4-1 because that is consider low saeson and it's brfore Easter but after Christman and New Years.

  4. Winter, very cold....

  5. fall can be good prices

  6. October through March is the coldest time of the year in Europe, so you'd probably get pretty decent prices then.

  7. the best time is not the cheapest, try the middle of January

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