
When is the weather going to stay nice for longer than a week in the uk?

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When is the weather going to stay nice for longer than a week in the uk?




  1. God knows!

    never this blady country!!!

  2. never

  3. Gee, with all this global warming going on, I would think they would be growing bananas in the UK by now.

  4. longer than a week? hhmmmmn... i don't know about the uk,  i am here in london.

    so i ll answer for london. i guess the weather will stay nice for longer than a week in london in summer when we can all have nice summer sun. : )

    i just hope it happens.

  5. 1976

  6. It'll take a miracle.  We did however, have two whole weeks of sunshine last year in June -  even Wimbledon didn't put it's curse on it!  I remember this because my dumb boss messed up my holiday dates and I got these two weeks by mistake!  So it turned out great, & I went back to work with a lovely tan!

    Maybe we'll get the same this year, fingers crossed heh?

  7. never lol, its england your talking about!

    think we could all do with a decent summer

  8. In August

  9. Dont know, Its pretty unpredictable here in the Maldives. Bright and sunny hot days suddenly ruined by long showers and messy roads.

  10. Two chances of that happening.

    Chance 1.  Slim

    Chance 2. None.


  11. " Who am i to make such predictions ? ha ha ha ha ha x*x"

  12. When nelson gets his eye back,In other words never.

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