
When is the world going to end and how its going to?

by  |  earlier

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please for 2 years i have been thinking about this and I want to know! how is the world going to end and how will mankind survive. and if you know can you tell me what year?




  1. No one knows for sure..  not even the surest scientist or physic or whatever....  

    I THINK maybe disease will take us out...  of course lots will lead up to that and it won't be for years and years....  I don't know, anything could happen.  

    I don't think we'll be here forever, we've pretty much destroyed this planet already so why would it, or anything, keep us around?

  2. LOL.

    We can't tell it's almost impossible.

  3. According to the Mayan calendar (oldest calendar in history), it is December 21, 2012.  Type in "end of the world" on your address bar, and go from there.  There are LOTS of sites for you to browse.  Very interesting stuff.

  4. The world is going to end when we nuke each other to death. hopefully i'll be long gone by then.

  5. 1.) No-one really knows. Some think on December 21st 2012 because that's when the Mayan calander ends. But noone knows..

    2.) Again, there are theories that the poles will switch and there'll be tidal waves and such.. but noone knows for sure.

    3.) If the world ends, we won't survive. That's the truth.

  6. Well, since we're all God, we are able to tell you the exact date and time of this event..

  7. well science has 5 major thyories but the two that thy can put a close date is 43 years a meadior will hit near picific and wipe out half of Califorina and i think japan but 200years after that a bigger one will either block out the sun and we will gointo ice age for 2years(that how long it will take the meator to pass) or it will hit us (anyone who can see it droping would probly be in in burn zone meaning the intesity and heat will kill u) and have this huge dust wave of water dust and poison kill every one also did i mention this wavy will burn every one . those who live will be in a ice age or dust age lasting for also 2-4years and need to find a way to rebuild socity

  8. Well some believe it would be 2000 Y2K ok did that happen and some think 2012 on December 12 or 21 or something cause that is when like i think the mayan calender ends so....

  9. idk when but we are all doomed to burn."from da womb to da tomb from da cradle to da grave"

  10. There is no way to know how or when the world will end and, if the world ends, of course there would be no place for survival.

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