
When is the world going to end?

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Serious question. Dont be stupid about it...

Also dont tell me religous bullcrap.




  1. IN TEN MINUTES!!!....GOTTA GO!!!!

  2. no one knows.

  3. About when gets fed up with us.  Sometime after the movie Idiocracy is set... lol

  4. Pretty soon if the human race keep doing what were doing..

  5. If we keep speeding down the path we humans are currently going, soon. Atleast for humanity.

  6. Possibly in 6.5 billion years when our galaxy collides with another, or earlier if we are smashed by a meteor. You have nothing to worry about in your lifetime.

  7. The only non-stupid answer is that it's not possible to say when, but it will end eventually.

  8. what? the world isnt randomly going to end, if you mean human life then it could be sometime in the next hundred years or it could be thousands of years, if you mean teh universe just end...then with my opinion id say just about never..., if you mean this earth blows up or dies off, tehn id say in a few billion years when the sun gets bigger and bigger and explodes, which will happen but thats a far far far time away

  9. well, i heard that it might in like 2012 because that when all of the ancient calenders stop. and since those people aren't around anymore, who knew if they had more insight to things? maybe they were infinitely smarter than us but we won't know since they're not around so they could have had the knowledge to know things that we don't.

    also, i heard that whenever the Sun will also expand and become a Red Star. It's radii will become much larger and will be able to engulf Earth and than life will not be possible here anymore. here's some more info;

    and then there is a Religious answer which I won't explain since you're not looking for that.

    but anythings possible. i guess there is no right answer.

  10. We will never know, i guess we just have to wait until it happens.

  11. At this time no one is sure. However, some things you might find on the Net or YouTube may give some clues to an answer.

    Some people are concerned about it. regardless of "when" [we would all like to know that], the important thing is this:

    ** Live today like it was your last day and put your priorities into proper perspective, help others, care for the orphans **

  12. two words GOD KNOWS.  don't buy the egyptian mormons and the ancient rome foretold when it is gonna end.  it is all B.S  so don't worry the end is near but we don't know when.

  13. It feels like the world is ending every time we get desperate.

    This is the only Ending I care about.

  14. ur serious?


    ok...not noww

  15. nobody knows ok..

    you dont really know..

    all you need is to pray to god and you need to be safe ..

    yOU neeD tO liVE liKE tHERE iS nO tOMORO...


    GOOD LUCK....



  16. 2maro.

  17. Well I can't say because I will tell you something a Christian would say. :)

  18. Being religous isnt bull c**p its tthe right thing to do

    kind of like


    okay imagine this

    U see 2 doors

    WHich one should you spend the rest of ur life in

    The one with fire





    Or the one that has

    Pretty things in it


    no pain ever

    U can do what ever

    And u will always look good

    I can tell U which one I like

    now be smart

    And its supposed to end in 2012 but nobody knows for sure

  19. You know, if you take away all the religious c**p, metaphysical thinking, spirits, blah blah, etc., the world is going to end when you die.  Think about it.  When you die, you the person perceiving your world, will be no more and thus the world you know will end.  

    But if you mean something catastrophic, no one knows.  Hundreds have predicted and failed.  

    That would be kinda cool though.  Some super crazy natural disaster and the choir's all in the background singing,"SANCTUS...DOMINUS!!" and people are all like,"AAH! My eyes are burning out of their sockets!!" and then you're all like,"Oh my gaaawwww!!! What do I do!!!" and you're all wettin' your pants.  Yea, something like that.


  21. The "World" is not the whole planet. It is just a metaphor for Society, and especially, YOUR life. The first end of the world is when you grow up, leave home, and enter the "New World" of adulthood. Old worlds end and new worlds begin everyday.

  22. No one knows when the world will end, but world is ending slowly, day by day. Things are going to happen here and there, the worst people will die first. 2012 definitely not going to end, but don't worry about it, just live your life to the fullest! It's all humans fault anyways, stupid hairspray is killing us all. LOL the ozone layer is getting thinner every time and when it's gone BAM O_O the Earth hits the heat. We'll drown and die because all the ice will melt. yep humans and their cars and smoke and c**p cutting down trees and cutting down animal's home. they need to think. humans need to stop "doing it" if u get what i mean

  23. YAY finally someone who DOESNT want ot hear about the 'judgement day' or w/e!! lol i truly beleive that within the next 10yrs globalwarming will make us all burnt to a crisp. its everyones fault really, i mean we dug this hole ourselves... =[

  24. Scientists believe December 21st 2012 because the planets are supposed to aline in a certain way and it will cause our planet to shift and the ground will be weird and everythin

  25. seriously, why care it's not like it's going to end tommorow and even if it is no one would know anyway

  26. The Aztecs predicted 2012. It is the end of a certain cycle and at the start of that particular year, their calendar predicts death, war, famine, disease, and poverty. Ouch!

  27. I dont think anyone will ever know for sure when its going to happen

    I just know that I am going to be prepared incase it happens in my lifetime =]

  28. I've heard it's supposed to end in 2012...

    That, or when the Sun explodes...

  29. The world is going to end when everyone (living) dies!!

  30. Earth will be around for several billion more years.

    That doesn't mean humanity will still be here, though.

  31. It's an astronomical certainty that the world will be a burnt crisp in 4 billion years or so from the supernova of our sun.  The human species will have long since been obliterated eons earlier from an earth killing asteroid, super volcanoe, nuclear holocaust or some other calamity...

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