
When is the world going to finish?

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i think its like on the bible and like the mayan and aztec had good ideas like the 7 things that happen before the world finishes one was that the oil was going to finish and theres going to be no more food cause of the sun ( aka global warming) thats what i think really i might be wrong




  1. When the sun has a supernova!

  2. i watched this thing on the discovery channel and it said the world would end on december 31, 2012, i was so freaked out!!

  3. A meteor will destroy the earth in 2097.

  4. let's say this....whenever this happens, I can PROMISE that you wont be around to see it, and neither will your kids or grandkids, so i wouldn't worry.

  5. When ever God wants it to. He is the creater of all things and he chooses when his earth is finished. not when science fails.

  6. well the world is presently not going to finish ,global warming and the end of oil is not such things which effects life, recent studies shows that global warming is the periodic phenomena ,we have other option after finishing oil yaa that's truth that a huge no 0f casualities will occure but the world not finished complety, because there are some governing forces having the responsibilities for life on earth whenever sin occurs more than how can a moral man could survive whats the meaning of life , then its natural phenomena that ,to establishes a new world having all persons good charachterstics is the resonsibility of nature so the world would never end only the persons who are not following the rules said by jesus , muhammad , buddha or any great men in hindu like ram ,krishna etc are gone into lower level of living like all the insects ,dog ,cow on,

    so the man having ood moral character could survive in the new world .

  7. The "world" has ended many times already. It happens every time a civilization falls. It's been suggested that 666 actually represents the Roman emperor Nero who burned the part of Rome where the Christians lived and killed many of them. Their world certainly ended that day.

    You're posting in Geology, so I assume you mean when will the sun engulf this solar system? Not until humans have long since found a place to move to.

    Have you thought that maybe we've screwed up the environment so bad that greater devastation should have already occurred, and God is holding it back to give us more time to fix it?

  8. No one knows specifically when.


  9. If we take action to slow global warming and implement alternate energy sources, we can extend the habitability of the Earth for quite a while.  

    The planet will probably end in about 4 billion years when the sun expands to a red giant.

    The Mayan calendar didn't predict the end of the world.  It was only the end of a cycle and they never got a new cycle written.

  10. it might be tomorrow you never know

  11. Humans, most certainly, have the means and madness to extinct themselves.  But I assure you, global warming, oil depletion, asteroid impacts... none of this means the end of the 'world', just the possible end our our civilization. The world will go on, as it always has, with or without us.  

    That is for another 4-5 billion years or so when the sun will begin to run out of fuel, expand to a size that will engulf the earth, if not melt and steralize its surface completely.

    There's been life on this planet for 2-3 billion years. Our species has been here for something like 100,000 years and meaningful civilization as we know it  mere thousands of years.

    There have been several mass extinction events in the earths history. There will be several more.  But I assure you, they have nothing to do with they myan calendar or bible prophecies.

  12. when there is no more v****a!!!! otherwise known as THE APOCALYPSE!!!! :)

  13. well get this the other day i heard a few women saying that guys expect them to want kids just cause there female. The reality is that women don't even want to give birth no more cause they are so focused on there careers. So since women are not having kids i would say the human race is facing extincsion

  14. when the idiot scientists blow up mars and it will crash into earth

  15. rumor has it dec. 21 2012   but i dont believe it

  16. Well according to the mayans the world is supposed to end nov. 3 or 23 2012.

  17. finish what ? it's still busy,things have to stop evolving first.

  18. yeah I heard tomorrow.

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