
When is there the least number of daters/people who go dating in the year?

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I'm an accounting student who happens to have a major project. I need to make an accounting decision on the perfect time to end the fiscal year of the business which is like It's Just Lunch . By perfect, I mean the lowest number of daters at that time of the year. If possible, please give the source of the information.

Alternatively, do you know when It's Just Lunch ends its accounting period?




  1. The United States government used to us the first of July and then they moved it to the first day of October. Counting all areas of government I would say that they are the largest employer in the United States. The Postal Service would always do their route inspections at the very lowest times of the year in order to set pay rates etc. This used to be done in September after school opened and kids were back in school (back to school ads) and before the Columbus day sales. Now they try for late winter and the spring time, due to low volume. (smile) Daters? OK I'll make a guess the first week of hunting season but this is not the same in every state. I say that as there are many young men that go hunting and stay in the hunting camp or the week. swilling beer and telling hunting stories and going to the stan for an hour or so a day. They are to far from home and girls do not go to hunting camp. LOL  

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