
When is working to get the girl, desperate? Am I?

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I met her before school ended and we went out twice. During the summer, we would talk at least twice a week (she initiated most of the conversations). I was near where she lived and we made plans to meet but she couldnt make it because of a family emergency. She then got really sick and was hospitalized so I sent her a get well gift. We are both back at school, and I went to see her at her room. Since then she hasnt invited me over or called/texted. I want to spend time with her this weekend (go to a park or see a movie) but I also dont want to seem desperate and I cant really tell if she talks to me because she wants the high of knowing I like her or because she likes to hang out with me.




  1. don't rush things. Just be there for her..even if it's just to talk.If she really likes you..she will come around.

  2. ummmmm idk dude

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