
When is your local government going to lead by example?

by  |  earlier

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Well, when are you environmentalists going to insist that your local, state, and federal government lead by example and run their fleet vehicles on alternative fuels? Natural gas, fuel cell, electric ext.? I’m not talking about a minimal insignificant number of vehicles. I mean the whole d**n gambit d**n it!




  1. Yes, and all the "Environmentalists" should voluntarily pay the additional cost, or at least be required to show proof they are also using the alternatives and not just whining.

  2. When the hire all the activists just to give them a job and get them off the street.

    The majority of the Green Party can't even take care of themselves.......Let alone the world.

    Want me to listen to what you're saying when you protest:  Start with a little hygiene.......Maybe a suit, haircut.....dress.

    You guys all look like cancer survivors to me.

    How am I supposed to take you seriously?

    You want to be taken seriously.........Play the part.

  3. The coming nuclear war needs to be cancelled. This is messy stuff and will cause too much problems.

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