
When it's hot at night how do you keep your animals cool?

by  |  earlier

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I have birds and I don't know what to do. My dad doesn't always have the AC on and he's to cheap to leave the fan on for them at night.





  1. The birds will be fine just as they are.  Just make sure they always have water. They do not need the A/C on or a fan.  A fan can be bad for them if they are in the draft.  The only thing you have to worry about is continued very cold temps.  (Below 20 degrees) Even though most  breeds originated in hot humid climates, they can be just fine in cold weather as long as it is not below 20 for an extended period of time.  (more than 2 weeks)  However, hot, cold, hot, cold, you know the back and forth thing, can actually lower their resistance (just as in a human) and they can become ill.  I know many breeders ( in the mountains of GA. and other states that have some colder temps) whose aviaries are outside with no heat and the birds do very well.  It can get down to very low temps there in the winter. As long as they have water and available shade, the heat will not hurt them either.  NEVER spray ice cold water on any bird.  It should always be warm water.  Please read my profile

  2. about 3 times day i spray my with ice cold water

    in a hot morning(sometimes), then in the afternoon and before bed also its best to have the Fan on so the water cools while its on them. Talk to your dad about how you feel about it and how your scared about them over heating.

    If you have just budgies they can withstand very hot temperatures, remember they are native to Australia;)

  3. offer them a bird bath and some cold water. my house gets really hot at night so i make sure they got that stuff and i leave the fan on high. hope this helps , sorry if it doesnt. (oh yeah and remember thay alustralian birds so i bet they can handle a little bit heat.)

  4. Well yea as a matter of fact I do, My german Shepherd sleeps with me actually, so she's usually pretty cool since I keep my fan in the window, and I keep a fan running at night for my Bunny since they can't pant or sweat like other animals.

    It's hard with birds too because u usually need to keep them covered, I'm not sure besides a fan what to tell u to do,


  5. with birds keep a shallow bowl of water with some ice cubes to keep it cool  alternatively use a spray bottle with water to create a fine mist to spray over the bird every now and then kinda like a fine shower

  6. don't use a fan if you're bird is very much of a explorer you could fill a bowl with only cold water put some ice but not more than three

  7. Offer a bowl of water so they can take a bath.  If they are too warm they will take a bath.

  8. in Extreamly hot weather i spray my bird with a spray bottle. Most birds love getting a nice misty shower XD in a hot day.

    just try it for several couple days when the wather gets to hot.

    When ur bird starts to like being sprayed with water. they useually open there wings and puff up themselves and rub there head under its wings to clean it feathers. XD

    its very funny but they enjoy it. ^_^

  9. Depending on the species of birds, you will find that many birds cope better in the heat than you and I do, and many absolutely love it.

    As mentioned by someone else, always keep a shallow bowl of water in there if they want to bath, but in my experience they don't bath when they're hot, just when they feel like it.

    If they look really hot and are panting, then you could get a clean spray bottle and lightly mist some water over them, but not so much that they are saturated.

    In general if they aren't panting then I would assume they are ok.

    I would be careful with putting a fan on them all night, birds are susceptible to drafts and if there is nowhere they can escape from the fan then they could become ill.

    However a fan down the other end of the room where it is set to rotate should be fine.

    Hope this helps!

  10. Birds like it warm/hot.  That's why they also leave south for the winter because it's warmer in the south in the winter.  They hate cold weather so it's better to keep your bird in warm/hot temperatures.

    I hope I helped!

  11. Adorable,

         Is your dad watching them?  I mean - can you turn on the fan or does he get bent out of shape over that?  

        Running air conditioning is much more expensive than fans, so I'd guess that's never on as well.  

        Bottom line - and I'm no bird expert - I'm just going on common sense here - but what did birds do before they were 'domesticated'?  as in kept as pets?   On a hot summer night, where do the birds outside spend the night keeping cool?   I suspect they just park somewhere safe in a tree.  I doubt if it's hotter indoors than out.    I also would hazard to guess that if it's safe for you, it's safe for your birds.  

       My solution would be to find the place in the room where it seems to be coolest and with the best airflow as possible, and put them as close to that as you can.  

       My other solution would be to bide your time, save your money, go to school and study something that will actually allow you to make a good living (as in not art history for example), and get your own life going as soon as you are old enough.    Then, when you are working, save up and buy your dad a nice can of mixed nuts for christmas.    Stick with a generic brand or you might offend his sensibilities.


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