
When it's your kids, are things like throwing up and nasty messes easier to handle?

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Because of my childhood, I have a pretty serious phobia of people throwing up. If we threw up more than once, my parents had a reserve of suppositories from the doctor that they would make us take. It was so embarrassing and humiliating to me and I used to hide under my covers and under the pillow when my sister threw up (I was very worried about her and felt helpless). I rampantly avoid people who are throwing up and worry about myself doing it. I'm really worried about not being able to be there for my kids when they are ill. I will never give them a suppository because of my childhood, but I need to get over this phobia. Do things like throwing up and poopy diapers become more of a second nature with kids?




  1. I did also, but the need outweighed my dislike for all things yucky when it came to kids and illnesses.

  2. NOPE, still makes me heave with my daughter. sorry.

  3. OH yes!

    For one you know your child's virus status. You don't know if a child or other person has something infectious other than the obvious bug.

    My kids have puked all over me. I'm am so used to it now.

  4. See for me, I wouldn't mind cleaning up my own kids messes because I figure that if they came out of me, theres no fear, but with other peoples kids I do not want to be near drool or puke or anything of that nature.  i guess because its mine, its okay, and I'm not worried because I know where they've been and if they have any nasty funks you don't want to catch.  I know some people get offended when comparing babies to dogs, but I can even clean up my dog messes but if I go to a friends house, no matter how big or small, they are cleaning up their own dogs mess.

  5. When it's your own kids, it is so much easier to handle. I've had about every bodily fluid on me and I don't even blink an eye. It comes with the territory of being a parent.

    I have issues with other kids stinky diapers, but don't get grossed out (usually) with my kids.

  6. for me no

    I have a highly sensitive stomach so when my daughter puked-I would puke. It hasn't gotten easier but I do it because I have no choice!

  7. I grew up in a large family (11) children and helped change lots of poopy diapers and changed lots of sheets or held younger siblings while they were vomiting.  It doesn't get easier with your own kids, its just something you have to do.  either plug your nose and get on with the task or breath slowly through the mouth when you get the urge to throw up too when the baby is doing it.

    Also encourage your children, if they are old enough, to use the toilet if they feel like they are going to be sick then they can come tell mommy.  My son came to tell me he didn't feel good and threw up on the carpet by my bed.  We had a one bedroom house at the time and his bedroom was closer to the bathroom.

    Sometimes you even have to clean up after older children or spouses who get ill and can't make it to the bathroom or pass out on the way there.

  8. yeah

    One of my twins threw up in a restaurant a few weeks ago and I felt so bad about it, I followed the server (who was about to clean it up) got a wash rag and cleaned it and the floor (even though he didn't get it on the floor but it was me lol)  I wouldn't worry about it.  kiddie messes are second nature to parents.

    Edit: Char, lol I thought I was the only one who routinely cleans up my kids noses.  That is my pet peeve to see my kid with snotty noses.

  9. Totally doesn't bother me with my kids, and mostly not with patients (I am in healthcare) however other peoples kids diapers gross me out..and snot too.

    What was with our parents and suppositories?? I never had to have one and I sure wouldn't geive my kids one either, unless really neccessary. No wonder you have that fear!

  10. definitely i had a real phobia about people being sick but once u have kids it all changes u get used to it gradually now i can handle anything.

  11. Yes, much easier.  If your kid pees on you it's like it's your own pee.  It's kind of gross and you want to wash it off but you don't flip out like you would if a stranger's pee got on you :)

  12. It's completely different when you have kids. You want so badly to take care of them that you will hold their hair when they throw up and clean up any mess they make without blinking an eye.

  13. no, thats never easy..

  14. It is amazing how things that usually gross you out, don't even affect you when it is your own kid.  I rarely gag when I am cleaning p**p and throw up.  I guess you just really want to make sure you kids are ok and clean that you don't have time to think about how gross things really are.  If you told me a year ago that I would be swiping boogers out of my baby's nose with my finger, I would have thought you were lying!  But that is actually a frequent activity.

  15. Most definitely, yes. I still can't stand to clean up other people's messes, but it doesn't bother me, when it's my son!

  16. Yes the maternal instinct  kicks in and you are more worried about your baby that the nasty mess in front of you.

  17. Oh yes, everything is different when it is your own child. You know when you are out eating and a kid is acting up, screaming, etc.? These things from your own kid aren't half as annoying and sometimes even cute. lol. Hard to believe? I am still shocked. I mean, who is fond of cleaning poopy diapers, vomit, etc? But it just becomes a part of your routine and your motherly instincts totally take over.  You will be just fine!

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