
When it comes 2 numerology how do you no

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what certain numbers mean for instant my soul# is 22 . also do numerology and astrology have and connection cause to me it seems they would cause of the numbers involved with astrology If any one has knowledge of this could you PLEASE EXPLAIN....




  1. Numerology and astrology DO share a very important attribute.  It is shared also with necromancy, black magic, voodoo, palm reading, phrenology, tarot, dowsing, remote viewing, faith healing, psychic surgery, psychokinesis, and many others.  They are all superstitious nonsense, primarily intended to bilk the gullible out of money, or to make the practitioners seem more important than they really are.

  2. It's quite simple really, you make it up as you go along, then at the end claim it all means something.

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