
When it comes to Official or Government Security do the words "P1ss-up" and "Brewery" spring to your mind?

by  |  earlier

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First,we had 2 lost disks,with 25,000,000 personal details!

THEN, a Hard Drive sent to IOWA. (Well,why not?)

THEN 2 Top Secret folders left on trains!

THEN Government Minister's (Hazel Blears) laptop stolen!

THEN, the latest fiasco of un-encrypted files being stolen!

And all the Government does is fight among themselves,and say:

"Don't worry suckers! It will we be OK when you have ID Cards and we pass your details to the 24 States of the European Union!




  1. I don't know what its called "oxy moron) i think mixing two words that should never go together "Government Security"...

    "Military intelligence" Welfare Benefits" etc etc.

  2. I think they leave things on the Trains  etc to Embarrass there Bosses,,They should have them for Spying,,,taking a top secret document out of its Jurisdiction,,,

  3. The public sector in the UK has very little independent accountability.

    If things go wrong they always loose the evidence or find a scapegoat instead of ovehauling the department.

    They tend to be staffed by people who don't have a clue and wouldn't last 5  minutes in the private sector. But because there is little true accountability the just get away with being useless as long as they keep their heads down

  4. Yes!I agree with the questioner!The next word that comes to mind is!! BROWN!

  5. ID cards will be a good thing again, only if some computer from the back of beyond doesnt hold all your info. We need another cold war, nothing ever got left a train or sent to Iowa unless it was in a Michael Caine film.

  6. Absolutely!

  7. Don't worry 'our' tony is making millions.

    This is new labours Utopia - Enjoy

  8. No, because they couldn`t.

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