
When it comes to curl my hair using hot roller, my hair should be dry or wet?

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  1. you will fry your hair if its wet

    not to mention electric appliances like hair curlers and water don't go well together...electrocution is bad


    so only ever curl/straighten your hair when its dry.

  2. Be careful! If you use hot iron on dry hair it would burn it! Your hair must be humid, slightly wet, because the hot iron might damage the hair by making it rigid, changing its color, and destroying it. Remember that when you straighten your hair it has to be wet, it's kind of the same procedure, only with different result. Besides, no good result would come out of using a hot roller on dry hair, always remember the example of straightening the hair, it better be wet!

  3. Dry because you will steam it if it's wet

  4. most def. dry!

    when your hair is wet, maybe even a tad bit damp, and you use a curling iron or straightener and you hear that crackling sound that the tool is making, that is really bad.

    my hairdresser told me this, and that means its burning your hair and it will look dry as ever if you do that.

    i hope i helped a little!


    good luck!

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