
When it comes to parenting: Is talking enough?

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Do you use the ROD or SPOIL the child?




  1. do you mean rod as in spanking then yes I spank my daughter but only as a last resort and I don't use objects but I do have to admit as my only child she is a little spoiled.

  2. Rod

  3. I can guarantee you that I don't spoil my children.  Sure, they get a few extra things from time to time and we do lots of fun activities, but if they get out of line.... Momma and Daddy handle it.  Sometimes all we have to do is give them "the look".  Other times, a stern voice is needed.  Time outs work well for us.  On rare occasions, we spank.  I feel like you have to do what you have to do for every situation and for every child.  Certain things work for some children that don't work for others.  Its a parenting choice and something you just kinda learn as you go.

  4. I don't beat them, no, but they have gotten smacked when words didn't do the trick.  

  5. my mother has tried a lot over the years

    but for me, the most excruciating punishment is always deprivation

    you find something that your child is fond of, and you take it away until terms and conditions are met

    i've never been spoilt or smacked, i've had a happy medium of talking and action. As long as a parent is always an authority figure then you always have a child's respect

    i consider myself a sociable person and a few years ago, i was shocked to see how one of my friend's mum bended over backwards to be his friend instead of a parent, he even called her by her first name. Now i'm all for being friends with your parents, but not to the point that they become spineless servants.

    My mum and dad have always made sure i know when i cross the line, whether it's the silent treatment, deprivation or the good old 'disappointment speech'

    I think because of this middle ground of loose strict parenting, I have grown to be a mature person and i take responsibility for my actions. As opposed to some people who get the odd talk when they're bad and decided they can get away with murder.

    That's me done

    Never blame video games, but you can take them away

  6. Its the rod that spoils the child. It spoils their intellectual capabilities.  I expect more from my kids.

  7. Action, no talk no spanking no rod.  Action as in, misbehavior means immediate time out, no talking no explaining.  They know what they did, you know, no need to argue.  If they don't know the rules, state them, tell them the consequences and then follow through if they break the rules.

  8. I try not to do either,  I have spanked, but only once and it was for a safety issue not as punishment,  I probably spoil a bit, but I like talking and find him to be understanding of what I tell him even at 5 years old.

  9. i think it depends on their age and how good the talking is. but i would always do my best not to spoil my child.  I can't stand brat kids.

  10. I think it depends on the childs age.  If you are talking about a 2,3,4 etc year old then don't waste too much time talking, after the first sentence you have lost  And if it's a teen, yes try talking first and then explain to them what is going to happen if they do something again that is wrong.  AND STICK TO THE PUNISHMENT.  So many parents say they have tried grounding but it does not work.  They only way it does NOT work is that so many parents cave and give in and do not follow thur with the punishment.

  11. okay the bible interpetation of spare the rod is- he who spares the rod spoils the child, but he who loves him is careful to discipline is referring to a shepard with his flock. The shepard doesn't whip the sheep, he gently guides them.

    So the answer is it will usually be us. Treating a child as an adult usually gets them to responsible. You might want to practice taking away priveliges and corner time (for the young ones, grounding if older) for really bad things.  But normally, talking will be enough. It will set an example that if used consistently, will be followed.

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