
When it comes to tipping, am I wrong??

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I have a question about proper tipping. When my girl and I go out to dinner, I strongly feel that a tip is EARNED not MANDATORY. We've gotten into a few minor arguments about it because we've gone out to dinner before and the service was terrible, and I refuse to leave a tip yet she pulls out her money and tips anyway.

I told her we should not be tipping for bad service, because then what insentive do they have to work on their service?

I calculate the tip by doubling what ever the tax is.

There was one time where we both agreed to walk out, we went to Denny's for lunch, we waited for 30min and still had not gotten our drink order in! And it was not busy at all!

The way I see it is, no one makes you work in the food service industry, you chose to, so I don't care if it pays lousy. So if you want good tips, then earn them. Period.

Anyone else agree?




  1. The way I see it, you should tip something. Good service deserves more, but bad service should get less not nothing. And you can't judge a Denny's on the same hand as fine dining! And I also think a lot of people are just waiting for an excuse to stiff the staff.

  2. It's depends on the situation.

    But I must say, I have to blame YOU if you waited 30 minutes for someone to come to you. I will go and get someone if I wait 5 minutes. If the service (and only the service) is bad then yes the tip is debatable, but don't blame the server if you food comes out slow or your drink isn't strong enough. You have to remember they are servers, not cooks or bartenders. They don't know if your food is cold or your drinks are weak, and honestly would you want them to? That's means they've been in your order.

    I actually don't even know why you posted this question, because no answer that anyone gives is going to make you change your mind. But until you work in the industry, you will continue to do what you want to do. So fine, tip if you want or don't. Just know if you tip poorly, you will be remembered.

  3. i think that you should atleast tip 2.00 because that all the waitresses  make is what they get in tips.

  4. I would definitely agree that tipping should reflect the service. The only thing I would say is make sure that the bad service is caused by the server, not someone else. For example, if a restaurant is quiet, people assume a server isn't busy, but that person may have all the tables because the manager made a choice to cut down on staff. There are many times as a server I've been upset because I'm too busy to give great service cause my manager got rid of staff way too early and we got smoked as a result!! Now if the person is hanging around talking to other staff or just plain rude then that is something very different - either leave a bad tip or none, but let the manager know because often the bad servers are the ones who most kiss up to the boss so the boss doesn't even realize they're a bad server!!

  5. I feel exactly the way you do.  One time I got such crappy service from this horrible waitress that even though I left a tip, I ended up going back in the restaurant and taking it off the table then I called the manager that night to tell him what happened.  Tip is earned, not mandatory.  Bad service does not deserve a tip.

  6. totally agree.

  7. You are basically correct the tip should be earned.

    Here is a good guideline.

    Typical tipping is between 15 - 20 %.

    I am normally a 20% person so when I go to a restaurant I walk in thinking the tip will be 20%.

    Now based on the quality of the service I deduct from the 20%.

    If the service is a little slower than I think it should be I may deduct 1 to 2 %.

    If the service is really bad I have deducted as much as 10 to 13 %.

    I never hold the quality of the food against the waitress as they did not prepare the food. besides the tip is for the service not the food. If the food sucks I just never go back.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that the waitress does not normally keep the total amount of the tip.

    They normally give some portion to the busboys and sometimes the bartender.

    So always leave something, if you leave nothing they may think you forgot or are just a jerk. If you leave a small tip they normally know it was the level of the service.

  8. First, the tip is usually 15% of the bill, not the tax.

    If the service terrible, I'll leave a tiny tip (which is insulting to the server) or none at all; it depends on how pissed I get.

    There is no need to justify horrible service- period.

  9. I agree.

  10. Agree! My wife does the same thing, drives my crazy. I can handle little mistakes in service, but just a pure lack of effort or care is insulting. I don't leave a dime!

  11. I think you were right to walk out the day you did.  I have done that in the past.  But I think if you eat the food and drink your drinks than the lest tip you should leave is like 5 or 10% this makes a statement that you weren't satisfied by the service, but still gives them something for the job they did.  If your service is horrible enough to require a complaint to the managment, than I think no tip is fine.  I give an average tip of 15% for alright service, up to 20% for good service... maybe a little more for great service and near holidays.  I have only once complained to a manager... that was at Outback Steak House when I found a huge piece of p**p in my seat and after the waitress moved us she took our food to the wrong table.  Our food sat on the other people's table for about 10 minutes till she came back out and then she tried to bring it to us, instead of making fresh food and apoligizing.  Now THAT's bad service!!!!

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