
When it rains does the airplane get wet?

by  |  earlier

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If you're traveling in an airplane and it starts to rain, does the plane get affected? Because when I've been in planes it looks like you're above the clouds and i believe rain comes from the clouds. So i was just wondering if the plane got wet.




  1. When you are at a high altitude above the clouds you don't get wet, but when you start descending the plane gets wet. Planes fly better in light rains I think.

  2. no because ur ABOVE the clouds nd rain goes DOWN to earth

  3. When you are at the departure gate look at the airplane - does it have windshield wipers? Yes. Above the clouds in dry air - No.

  4. Airplanes get wet when under the clouds, just like my car gets wet when it rains

  5. If you are flying above the clouds that are producing rain, no.  If you are flying under the  clouds producing rain, yes, the plane will get wet.  No, this doesn't cause any damage to the plane.

  6. yes it does get wet

    believe it or not with light rains the aircraft performs better.

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