
When jesus was walking on water did his foot oder kill the fish?

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When jesus was walking on water did his foot oder kill the fish?




  1. YES. Everyone knows that!

  2. what kinda question is that????

  3. God loves humor..Try it some time.

  4. lol nice ---- did you know that recent geological evidence has told us that that particular lake was frozen solid at the time of "jesus", so if there was someone there, he was walking on water :D

  5. I'm not sure what oder is.

    Get an education.

  6. are you drunk?

  7. are you for real?

  8. gee that is so original, did you think that up all by yourself???    

  9. No, he had Odor-Easters in his sandals.


  10. yeah, then he cooked them and fed the 5 thousand!

  11. i dont think so...maybe because they were scared they left..duh!!!  =]

  12. nah, but i bet it felt funny when they nibbled on his toes :-)

  13. he used talc

  14. Maybe but he probally did it on purpose to show how cool he was =}

  15. No. Jesus used Gold Bond powder.  LOL

    Thank God for a sense of humor!

  16. asking this isn't right

  17. Im going to pray for you tonight for your ignorance, and stupidity. ODOR, no oder

  18. blasphemy!

    ur one twisted F***

    learn to spell first u dimw** it's "odor" and not "oder"

  19. WTF... maybe lol?

  20. no, in imagination land, your feet don't smell

  21. when i first glanced at this question i thought - ..another question about jesus..*Yawn*..- but that's funny. :]


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