
When kicking for goal, why does Buddy play on and not get called for it?

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If a player takes a mark or is awarded a free kick, the umpire instructs the player to go behind the mark, keeping himself on a line through the mark to the centre of the goal line. That is the rule, and maybe not so important in general play, but when within range of goal, or it is clear the player intends to kick for goal the rule is enforced, such that if the player, in moving forward to take his kick deviates from the imaginary line to the goal line, the umpire calls "Play on", and the player can be tackled.

Buddy Franklin with his exaggerated hooking of his leg when kicking, repeatedly runs away from the imaginary line to goal, is playing on, and is not called by the umpire for so doing. He's obviously never learnt to kick a football properly, just a very good athlete learning the game. He needs a year kicking a footy around a park under the tutelage of Peter McKenna. It is normal for the ball to be kicked in the direction of travel, unless deliberately kicked across the body (Buddy) or with the outside of the boot.




  1. I think that if he were more accurate there would probably be a bit more of an outcry. But he marks so strongly that he is a real drawcard to the game, and therefore he probably gets a bit more lattitude with the umps than most mere mortals.  But the same goes for other "superstars" - they get a bit more lattitude (or certainly more free kicks) too.

    So don't be such a pedant, and enjoy the Buddy show.  I don't like the Hawks, but Buddy is worth watching both for his awesome marking and then completely random goal-kicking!!  

  2. If unknown Joe Blow from the Melbourne FC did the same thing I'm sure the umpires would call "play on"......(Don't they just love yelling those two words out?! Each umpire must say it 1000 times per game - plus they must think the players are deaf as they yell it 3-4 times on each occasion!).

    The Buddy Franklin hype has reached such a point that even the umpires are taken in by it.

    I totally agree with your comments.

  3. Yep, What the others said sounds fair. Everyone gives Buddy a fair bit of c**p about his kicking but the only time it really counted was against Adelaide in last years final from beyond 50 on a tight angle with seconds remaining and he won the game. Yes he has kicked a LOT of behinds this year but his kicking has never cost the Hawks any important matches, untill he starts losing matches on his boot i think people should get of his back and just enjoy his footy and look away from the TV when he kicks a goal so they dont confuse joy with arrogance.  

  4. The umpires have a look at each players "natural kicking arc", and allow them to kick within it, as long as they do not run around the mark too much.

  5. Hmmm I guess he gets away with "buddy" everything doesnt he?!

  6. I heard Jeff Geischen answer this one, he says it is his natural arc, being a left footer so they allow him the latitude to move left without infringing the rules, They are bending the rules to accomodate his lack of footy schooling!!!

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